How to treat Sports Injuries via Nutrition
Check out Dr. Silverman on the Sports Care Performance Place Podcast Dr Silverman is the man to listen to for nutritional advice for… you name the condition… Achilles Tendonitis, Sciatica, Multiple Sclerosis and other sports related injuries. Just look at the alphabet soup after his name and you’ll know he has tons of credibility. He has been featured on NBC News, Fox and Friends, and WSJ live to name a few. I’m thankful he took the time to share today…
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Dr. Silverman on CBS Sports Radio
Check out Dr. Silverman on CBS Sports Radio on The D.A. Show.. Listen

Healthy Barbecue Options
As the July 4th festivities approach, it’s time for the traditional backyard barbecue. Can you enjoy a barbecue without eating a lot of foods your body really doesn’t want? You can, easily. Just follow these tips. Healthy Options as a Guest You’re invited to a barbecue. Of course, you don’t want to be rude by rejecting the food. What now? If it’s a potluck party, bring something healthy you know everyone will like. Vegetables aren’t usually seen much at a…
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Why am I not losing weight
Why Am I Not Losing Weight Most of us have tried some kind of diet at one point of our lives, or we’re still on a perpetual trendy diet with the hopes of achieving our “perfect body”. The answer isn’t “one size fits all”. Take the quiz and we will send you a free analysis based on your response.

Can Coconut Oil Kill You?
Can Coconut Oil Kill You? The recent headlines about coconut oil say that because it’s higher in saturated fat than beef or lard, it’s bad for you. “You’ll drastically increase the chances of cardiovascular disease if you eat it because saturated fat raises cholesterol, which leads to heart disease and mortality!” That kind of warning comes from the American Heart Association (AHA)—a powerful organization that continues to promote the mythical direct link between saturated fat and heart disease. We know…
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Nutritional Treatment for Rotator Cuff Tears (Part II)
When you play a racket sport like tennis, you make a lot of overhead serves and shots that put strain on your shoulder. A common result is a rotator cuff injury—a tear in one of the tendons that hold the muscles and bones of your shoulder joint together. A rotator cuff injury is painful and can keep you off the court for weeks. If properly treated, however, a rotator cuff injury can heal faster and better, so you can be…
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7 Free Ways to Get Into Shape for the Summer
7 Free Ways to Get Into Shape for the Summer Summer is six weeks away. There are alternatives to exercising other than joining a gym, training with a personal trainer and spending on a whole new workout wardrobe. After a long winter, you can get back into shape for free with these seven healthy lifestyle hacks. Do Tabata training, also called high-intensity interval training. This workout style uses short bursts—just a few minutes—of high-intensity exercise. It’s easy to do…
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Cascading relief – Laser therapy is better than dangerous drugs
TOO OFTEN, DCS SEE PATIENTS WHO HAVE BEEN PRESCRIBED powerful drugs to relieve the pain of joint and muscle injuries. These drugs can often have dangerous side effects, including digestive upsets and even opening the pathway to addiction. Patients come to you because you offer a better, safer way to relieve this type of pain. To meet their needs, consider adding low level laser therapy (LLLT) to your practice offerings. This approach uses light from a laser to relieve the underlying inflammation that can cause…
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Nutritional Treatment for Rotator Cuff Tears (Part I)
Here is a recent article I published in newyorktennismagazine.com I treat a lot of tennis players with shoulder pain, usually from rotator cuff issues. My goal is always to get them back on the court quickly without drugs, injections or surgery—and to keep them there by avoiding re-injury. For fast, effective, non-drug treatment, I rely on some proven nutritional supplements that work extremely well to help painful shoulders heal. Treating the rotator cuff Most rotator cuff tears don’t fully heal on…
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Nutritional Protocols for Soft-Tissue Injuries and Joint Health
When an individual gets injured, the typical treatment response does not include proper supplementation necessary to help the body heal itself. In the times of physiological stress or injury, diet alone may not meet the body’s nutritional needs. The use of nutritional supplements in addition to a proper diet creates a physiological environment for healing. Therefore, understanding the role and use of micronutrients can improve the quality of your practice. The following article will talk about micronutrients and how they…
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